Welcome to the official website of the “Friendliest Post on the Coast”, Manasquan VFW Post 1838.
Come see why we are the fastest growing Post around! Men and women Veterans that cover many wars, battles and occupations fill our Post daily. We look forward to seeing you. So stop by and enjoy yourself. We thank you for your service to this great country.
Our meetings are held the 1st Saturday of the month at 11:00AM. Manasquan VFW Post 1838 is located at 30 Ridge Avenue, Manasquan NJ 08736 and we can be reached at 732-292-0200 or email us at info@manasquanvfw.com. The Post Canteen is open Monday to Sunday from 12PM to 7:30PM and on Saturday we are open from 12PM to 9:30PM.

Post 1838 History
The Manasquan Veterans of Foreign Wars was organized in 1930 with George C. Smith as Commander. It was known as the Manasquan/Brielle Post until 1958, when the Brielle name was dropped. Since 1930, the Post has had a successive list of 60 Commanders, the current one being John J. Murphy, a Marine who served in Vietnam.
The VFW moved to its present location at 30 Ridge Avenue, Manasquan in 1959. It consolidated with the Spring Lake Heights Post 3716 in 1978 and Neptune Post 9755 in 1983. World War II Veterans are rapidly becoming the minority as their ranks are filled by Veterans of the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, thus necessitating the need for consolidation.
The Manasquan VFW is considered a premier Post in New Jersey and is referred to as a model Post because of its commitment to activities. Post 1838 has been in charge of the annual Memorial Day Parade for many years. It also takes part in Loyalty Day programs, Veterans Day activities and special occasions where services are needed, such as Poppy distribution for Memorial Day, posting flags on Veterans gravesites and funeral services for deceased members. The Post runs the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen programs each year to help local students with scholarship money.
VFW History
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces.
We trace our roots back to 1899 when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service. Many arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans’ pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves.
In their misery, some of these veterans banded together and formed organizations that would eventually band together and become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. Today, membership stands at more than 1.5 million members of the VFW and its Auxiliary.
Our voice was instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration, development of the national cemetery system, in the fight for compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and for veterans diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome. In 2008, we won a long-fought victory with the passing of a GI Bill for the 21st Century, giving expanded educational benefits to America’s active duty service members, and members of the guard and reserves, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were the driving force behind the Veterans Access and Accountability Act of 2014, and continually fight for improved VA medical centers services for women veterans.
Besides helping fund the creation of the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II and Women in Military Service memorials, in 2005 the VFW became the first veterans’ organization to contribute to building the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November 2010. And in 2015, we became the first supporter of the National Desert Storm War Memorial which is planned for construction at our nation’s capital.